The Phoenix Scholarship: Your Guide to the 2024 Award

The Phoenix Scholarship is a prestigious award offered by the State of Arizona that provides financial support for higher education. First introduced in 2020, the scholarship aims to help grow the state’s workforce by investing in the talents and futures of Arizona’s youth. 

Eligibility Requirements

To qualify for the Phoenix Scholarship, there are certain criteria you must meet:


You must be a resident of Arizona for at least two years prior to applying. This means you must have lived continuously in the state since January 2022 or earlier.

Academic Achievement

Applicants must have an average GPA of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale. Your grades in core academic subjects like English, math, science, and social studies will be most heavily considered.

Graduation Year

The scholarship is open to high school seniors graduating in the spring of 2024. Homeschool students who will graduate in 2024 are also eligible. GED recipients are not eligible to apply.

College or University Admission

You must be admitted to an eligible public university, community college, or tribal college located within Arizona. Private and out-of-state institutions do not qualify for the Phoenix Scholarship award.

Felony Convictions

Applicants cannot have any felony convictions on their record. Misdemeanors will not necessarily disqualify an applicant but may be considered as part of a holistic review.

Meeting these elementary eligibility criteria does not guarantee an applicant will receive the scholarship. Funding is limited, so academic achievement, extracurricular activities, community service, and other merit factors will also be weighed.

The Application Process

Now that we’ve covered eligibility, let’s dive into how to actually apply for the 2024 Phoenix Scholarship award. Here are the key steps:

Create an Account

Between September 1-30, 2023, go to and click “Apply Now.” Set up a username and password-protected account. Be sure to use your legal name.

Complete the Online Application

The application includes basic biographical information as well as sections to upload your transcript, list extracurricular activities and honors, and write short essays. Allow plenty of time – it may take 2-4 hours total to fully complete.

Request Letters of Recommendation

Through your online account, you can invite teachers, mentors, or others to upload a letter of recommendation on your behalf. Choose recommenders wisely and give them ample notice of the November 15th deadline.

Submit Supporting Documents

In addition to your transcript, upload proof of Arizona residency like a driver’s license or utility bill. Make sure all required documents are received by the deadline.

Deadline is November 15, 2023

Late or incomplete applications will be condoned. Be sure you and your recommenders submit all materials prior to the firm deadline. Technical issues are not an acceptable reason for an extension.

The selection committee will review thousands of applications between November and January. Finalists may be invited for in-person or virtual interviews in late January/early February before final award decisions are made. All applicants will be notified by mid-February 2024 regarding the outcome.

Award Amounts & Renewal

Now that you understand how to apply, let’s cover key details about what the scholarship provides if awarded:

Initial Award Amount

For the 2024-25 academic year, the base award amount is $5,000. Additional amounts may be granted based on merit and financial need. No single award exceeds $10,000 annually.


The Phoenix Scholarship is renewable for up to four years or until a bachelor’s degree is complete, whichever comes first. To renew each year, certain academic standards must be met:

  • Maintain at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA
  • Earn 30 credits per academic year
  • Remain continuously enrolled full-time (at least 12 credits per semester)

Changes to Award Amounts

Renewed scholarship amounts may increase, decrease, or remain the same year-to-year based on merit, need, and available funding. Maintaining the required GPA is critical for guaranteeing maximum renewal eligibility each year.

Portability Within Arizona

The scholarship is portable within Arizona’s public university, community college, and tribal college systems. If you transfer schools, the award goes with you as long as all eligibility rules are still met.

With up to $40,000 potentially available over four years of college, the Phoenix Scholarship provides significant financial support. However, maintaining academic standing is key to taking full advantage of this valuable opportunity.

Maintaining Eligibility

To keep receiving award disbursements each semester, scholarship recipients must adhere to ongoing requirements:

Academic Performance

As noted, a 3.0 cumulative GPA minimum is required for annual renewal. Dipping below 3.0 could result in probation or loss of the scholarship.

Credit Completion

Scholars are expected to earn 30 credits per academic year (fall/spring semesters combined). Dropping or withdrawing from classes should be avoided to stay on track.

Enrollment Status

You must remain enrolled full-time as defined by your institution. Most colleges consider 12 credits or more per semester as full-time status.

Community Service

10 hours of approved community service per semester is mandated. Service can include volunteering for nonprofits, schools, religious/civic organizations, or government agencies.

Annual Renewal Application

Each spring, continuing scholars must submit a renewal FAFSA and application verifying eligibility criteria are still met. This shows ongoing commitment and maintains funding for the following academic year.

Maintaining satisfactory academic progress and completing all annual requirements ensures the scholarship award will be renewed each eligible year. Failure to comply can result in the award being placed on probation or permanently revoked. Adhering to the guidelines is key to maximizing this educational opportunity.

Combining Other Aid

In many cases, the Phoenix Scholarship complements other forms of financial assistance available to students:

Federal and state Aid

The scholarship does not reduce eligibility for federal Pell grants, state tuition grants, or other need-based aid programs. All other aid can be stacked on top of the Phoenix award.

College or University Scholarships

Merit scholarships offered directly by the attended school are also allowed in addition to the Phoenix award. However, total aid from all sources cannot exceed the Cost of Attendance set by each institution.

Private Scholarships

Outside scholarships from non-profits, employers, civic groups and more may be kept regardless of the Phoenix Scholarship. Likewise, total aid with these cannot surpass the cost of attending college.

Federal Student Loans

Eligible students are welcome to take out subsidized and unsubsidized Federal Direct Loans in addition to the Phoenix Scholarship award. Private loans are generally discouraged due to accumulating interest.

Layering multiple funding sources can help cover the full cost of higher education for Arizona students. Maximizing each opportunity allows recipients to graduate with little to no debt hanging over their future careers.

Frequently Asked Questions

After this lengthy guide on all aspects of the Phoenix Scholarship, let’s answer some of the most common questions applicants may still have:

Is part-time enrollment allowed?

No, the Phoenix Scholarship requires full-time enrollment of at least 12 credits per semester at all times. Part-time or less than full-time status will result in forfeiting the award.

What if my GPA drops below 3.0?

If your cumulative GPA dips below 3.0 in any semester, you will be placed on probation for the following term. Earn above a 3.0 that semester to stay eligible or the scholarship may be revoked.

Can I take a semester off?

Unless approved for a formal medical or family leave of absence, continuous full-time enrollment is expected. One semester break in attendance without approval will result in the termination of the scholarship.

What majors are not eligible?

All majors are eligible as long as the institution and degree program are on the approved list for the Phoenix Scholarship. Undergraduate, graduate and most professional degrees qualify.

How do I submit an appeal?

If you fail to meet renewal criteria due to extenuating circumstances, you may submit a written appeal no later than 30 days before the semester starts. Appeals are reviewed case-by-case and approval is not guaranteed.

Is community service time flexible?

The 10 hours per semester is a minimum requirement that can be spread throughout the full term. Hours do not need to be completed all at once or by a certain date each semester.


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