Cyber Security Scholarships for International Students 2024

An Introduction to Cyber Security Scholarship Opportunities

Cyber security is one of the most delicate and crucial fields in today’s technological world. As our lives become increasingly digital, from work and communication to personal finance and healthcare, protecting data and networks from cyber threats is vital. This makes cyber security careers highly valuable and in-demand.

However, pursuing higher education and training in cyber security can be expensive, especially for international students looking to study abroad. Thankfully, there are many scholarship opportunities available each year specifically for international students interested in cyber security. These scholarships aim to help address the growing skills gap in cyber security by supporting talented students from around the world who want to study and work in this critical field.

We’ll outline the eligibility requirements, awards amounts, deadlines and application processes for various competitive scholarships from government agencies, tech companies, private organizations and more. Our goal is to help ambitious international students researching for financially-supported ways to study cyber security and kickstart rewarding careers protecting our digital future.

Before diving into specific scholarship programs, let’s first define some key cyber security concepts and clarify technical terminology that will be useful for applicants to understand. This background information will help readers make the most of the opportunities presented.

Defining Key Cyber Security Concepts

Cyber Security

Cyber security or computer security safeguards computers, networks, and data from unwanted or unauthorized intrusion, change or destruction. It ensures the concealment, integrity and availability of information and information systems. It aims to prevent and detect security breaches, cyber attacks, damage or unauthorized access to electronic systems.

Network Security

Network security focuses on protecting computer networks and data in transit from unauthorized access, misuse, malfunction, modification, destruction or improper disclosure. It involves monitoring and protecting wired and wireless networks as well as cloud infrastructure and applications. Key aspects of network security include firewalls, encryption, access control, username/password authentication and vulnerability management.

Information Security

Information security, also called data security or infosec, is the practice of securing systems and data through confidentiality, integrity, and availability. It defends against data breaches, unauthorized access, malware, denial-of-service attacks, and other security threats to provide integrity, authenticity, and non-repudiation. Areas of focus include data governance, identity and access management, data loss prevention, and incident response.

Cyber Defense

Cyber defense, also known as information assurance or computer network defense, aims to protect networks, computers, programs, and data from damage or unauthorized access. It involves strategies, policies, and technologies used to safeguard digital assets from cyber threats such as hacking, phishing, and malware. Key activities in cyber defense are vulnerability assessments, penetration testing, security auditing, security monitoring, and incident response.


Cryptography is essential for cyber security and refers to techniques for storing and transmitting data in a form that only intended parties can easily understand and process. It allows for secure communication and protects sensitive information by encrypting and decrypting data using codes, ciphers or encryption algorithms. The main types of cryptography used are symmetric encryption, asymmetric encryption, and hashing.

Now that we have covered some foundational cybersecurity concepts, let’s explore specific international student scholarship opportunities for studying this critical field in 2024. Keep these definitions in mind as we outline each program.

U.S. Government Cyber Security Scholarship for Service Program (SFS)

The Scholarship for Service (SFS) program is a competitive scholarship offered by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and funded by various U.S. government agencies, including NSA, DHS, and DoD.

Eligibility for SFS

  • Applicants must be international students pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in cyber security or a closely related field at an accredited U.S. institution.
  • Must be a non-U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
  • Strong academic record is required with a minimum 3.2 GPA.

Award Details

  • Annual stipend of up to $34,000 for undergraduate students and $34,000-$46,000 for graduate students.
  • Commitment to work post-graduation for the sponsoring federal agency equal to the tenure of the scholarship, up to four years.

Application Process

  • Apply directly through the SFS program website during the annual application period from January to March 2023 for 2024 awards.
  • Submit online application form, resume, transcripts, letters of recommendation, and statement of educational and career objectives.

The SFS program is among the most prestigious and well-funded cyber security scholarships for international students to study in the U.S. It leads directly to government employment upon graduation. Highly competitive with acceptance rate under 15%.

Anthropic Cybersecurity Fellowship

Anthropic offers an exclusive Cybersecurity Fellowship for talented international students to earn a master’s degree fully funded by top universities, including MIT, Berkeley, CMU, and more.


  • Minimum 3.5 GPA or equivalent academic standing.
  • Prior experience in computer science, programming, or relevant technical field preferred.
  • Non-US citizen or permanent resident status required.

Award Details

  • Covers full two-year tuition for a master’s program valued up to $150,000.
  • Annual stipend of $40,000 while enrolled.
  • Guaranteed cyber security internship each summer.
  • Potential full-time job offer after graduation.

Application Process

  • The Online application form will be available in early 2023 on the Anthropic Fellowship website.
  • Require cover letter, resume, transcripts, letter of recommendation, and short essay.
  • Multi-stage interview process includes coding challenges and interviews.

The Anthropic Fellowship is an unparalleled opportunity for top international students seeking a cost-free master’s in cyber security from a top US institution and career placement in the industry. Very competitive selection process.

CompTIA Cybersecurity Scholarship Program

CompTIA offers need-based scholarships directly to international students for certification training and exams in cybersecurity.


  • Currently enrolled in a cybersecurity-related college degree program outside of the U.S.
  • Demonstrate financial need for certification assistance.
  • Agreement to work in a cyber security field post-graduation.

Award Details

  • Up to $2,500 per student for certification testing and training materials.
  • Supports all CompTIA cyber security certifications including Security+, CySA+, PenTest+ and more.

Application Process

  • Online application available September-December 2023 on the CompTIA website.
  • Provide a personal statement, transcripts, letter of recommendation, and financial need documentation.

While a smaller award, the CompTIA program supports critical hands-on cyber security skills development for international students unable to afford certification otherwise.

NATO Advanced Research Workshop International Student Scholarship

NATO’s Emerging Security Challenges Division offers partial scholarships for international students to participate in the annual Advanced Research Workshop.


  • Enrolled in a master’s or PhD program in a related security field outside of NATO member countries.
  • Demonstrated academic excellence with a minimum 3.5 GPA equivalent.

Award Details

  • Covers travel, accommodation, and partial workshop registration fees (up to €1,000).
  • Three day workshop held in February/March 2024 at various NATO locations.
  • Opportunity to present research and network with security experts.

Application Process

  • Online application form available September-November 2023 on NATO website.
  • 1500 word research proposal and letter of recommendation required.

While limited to only a few awards each year, this program provides invaluable professional development and networking for top international security scholars.

FRONTEX Associate Fellows Programme

The European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX) offers one-year research fellowships at their Warsaw, Poland headquarters.


  • Master’s degree earned within the previous 3 years in a relevant security field e.g. border control, migration, law.
  • Strong academic record and at least 1 year post-graduate experience.
  • Non-EU national with valid residence/work permit for Poland.

Award Details

  • Gross monthly salary around €2,300 per month stipend.
  • Health and accident insurance covered.
  • Mentorship and research project on FRONTEX operational priorities.

Application Process

  • The Online application period runs November-December 2023 on the FRONTEX website.
  • Detailed CV, cover letter, reference letters and research proposal required.

For early career international security experts, this fellowship provides hands-on experience at a frontline EU agency and gateway to future career opportunities.

ASEAN-UN Cybersecurity Capacity Building Centre Scholarship

The ASEAN-UN Cybersecurity Capacity Building Centre funds master’s scholarships each year for ASEAN nationals at participating universities.


  • Citizen of an ASEAN member country (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, etc).
  • Bachelor’s degree completed in computer science or related discipline.
  • Accepted to a year full-time master’s program partner university.

Award Details

  • Full tuition and a stipend of $15,000 – $20,000 per year depending on the cost of study location.
  • Partner universities include the University of Bristol, the University of Warwick, Singapore University of Technology and Design.
  • Requirement to take part in regional cyber capacity building projects upon graduation.

Application Process

  • Online application window opens January-March 2023.
  • Submit application form, transcripts, statement of purpose, and recommendation letters.
  • Shortlisted candidates invited for interviews in May 2023.

This scholarship is highly beneficial for ASEAN students seeking a master’s in cybersecurity while also contributing to regional efforts. The partner universities are internationally prestigious.


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