Scholarships for BCBA Programs in 2024: Your Guide to Funding Your Education

Welcome! If you’re researching ways to fund your BCBA education, you’ve come to the right place. Earning your BCBA credential opens the door to diverse and rewarding career opportunities helping improve lives through applied behavior analysis. However, the costs associated with BCBA programs can be daunting. This comprehensive guide covers all of your scholarship options for the 2024 academic year to help you achieve your goals with less debt. Buckle up – there’s a lot to cover!

Understanding BCBA Education Requirements

Before diving into specific scholarship details, let’s quickly review the basic requirements to become a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). To earn your BCBA credential, you must:

  • Complete a minimum 120-hour course sequence in behavior analysis from a university or training institution approved by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB). This usually takes 1-2 years to complete as a post-baccalaureate program.
  • Complete 1500+ hours of supervised independent fieldwork (supervised experience) providing behavior analytic services.
  • Pass the BCBA exam administered by the BACB.
  • Maintain ethical and professional standards as outlined by the BACB Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts.

So in summary – coursework, supervised experience, and passing the exam. The scholarship details in this guide primarily focus on helping fund your coursework program, as that is usually the bulk of education expenses upfront. Keep these overall requirements in mind as you research your options!

National Scholarships for BCBA Programs

Let’s start with large, prestigious national scholarships that can cover a significant portion of BCBA program costs. While they are competitive, strong applicants stand a good chance of receiving this type of funding.

Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Graduate Arts and Sciences Scholarship

  • Awards up to $50,000 per year for graduate study
  • Open to graduating seniors and recent grads pursuing a master’s or doctoral degree.
  • Based on academic ability, determination, leadership potential, and financial need
  • Application deadline typically mid-October

Gates Cambridge Scholarship

  • Covers full tuition and living expenses for grad studies at Cambridge, England
  • Aims to identify future world leaders with outstanding academic achievement
  • Awards are quite substantial, fully covering tuition, living expenses, travel costs.
  • Highly selective – average GPA of 3.9 or higher
  • Application deadline late September/early October

Ford Foundation Fellowship Program

  • Awards $24,000 to students typically pursuing a PhD or a professional doctorate degree (EdD, JD, MD)
  • Specifically, it targets increasing diversity in fields where minorities are underrepresented.
  • Open to a wide range of disciplines, including applied behavior analysis
  • Deadline usually mid-October

Taking the time to thoroughly research and craft compelling applications for scholarships of this caliber could be life-changing, paying your way through an entire graduate degree without loans. Be aware that the eligibility criteria and emphasis areas may not directly align with BCBA programs, so contextualizing your goals and fit is important.

Regional and State Grants & Scholarships

Moving to more targeted, regional opportunities – state-level scholarships are an excellent place to explore funding specific to your location. Eligibility is usually contingent upon residency within that state. Let’s look at a sampling:

California Student Aid Commission Scholarships

California offers a variety of scholarships directly through the state’s financial aid commission, including:

  • Governor’s Scholarship Programs
  • California Chafee Grant for Foster Youth
  • Assumption Program of Loans for Education (APLE)

Awards range from $1,000 to full tuition coverage at accredited California colleges and universities. The application period opens in January/February each year.

New York State Regents Awards for Children of Deceased or Disabled Veterans

Provides tuition assistance of up to $450 per year to qualifying children/spouses of NY veterans. Tuition reimbursement goes directly to the school.

Missouri Higher Education Academic Scholarship (Bright Flight)

Offers renewable scholarships of $3,000 per year to the top 3% of Missouri high school graduates based on ACT/SAT scores. It can be used at any accredited postsecondary institution in the state.

These are just a sampling – be sure to research what specific opportunities your home state offers. State grant eligibility is often tied to attending a qualifying in-state program as well, so these can pair well with BCBA programs at local colleges and universities.

Scholarships from BCBA Training Programs & Universities

Moving even more targeted, there are regularly available scholarships offered directly through the BCBA training programs and universities themselves. Getting to know the financial aid offices of schools you’re interested in attending is crucial. Some examples:

Northeastern University Behavior Analysis Programs Scholarships

NU offers the Evelyn Lardieri Memorial Scholarship ($4000 – $10,000) and additional competitive awards based on academic merit, need, and diversity considerations. Rolling application cycle.

Florida Institute of Technology Applied Behavior Analysis Scholarship

Awards up to $5000 per year for FIT ABA masters students based on merit, with preference for underrepresented groups and those pursuing advanced degrees (e.g., PhD).

University of Minnesota AUTISM Certificate Scholarship

Offers tuition waivers of up to 50% for their online ABA certificate program. Awarded based on financial need, and commitment to serving autistic individuals.

Endowed Scholarships at Public Universities

Many state schools have endowed scholarships set up specifically for ABA/psychology graduate students. For example, the University of Florida offers over 150 unique named scholarships through its College of Public Health and Health Professions. Constant communication with the schools is key to learning about these internal opportunities.

The benefit is these are tailored specifically for students pursuing BCBA education at that university. Getting your application in early improves chances – many have priority deadlines of late Fall/early Spring for the following academic year. Make scholarship searches a priority aspect of your program selection research.

Corporate & Association Scholarships

Your BCBA education and career goals may align well with scholarships offered through leading ABA organizations and companies within the field as well. Some reputable options to investigate include:

ABAI Don Jaime Garcia Memorial Scholarship

Association for Behavior Analysis International scholarship awarding up to $5,000 for a master’s-level ABA study. Preference for research experience and diverse backgrounds. Deadline late January.

Autism Speaks Graduate Student Scholarship

Offers $20,000 renewable awards for advanced study related to autism across various disciplines, including ABA. Emphasis on research focus. Rolling deadline.

Rehabilitation Services Administration Graduate Scholarship

Administered through the U.S. Dept. of Education. Awards up to $8,000 per year for graduate study in rehabilitation fields, including ABA. Priority to those who commit to working with individuals with disabilities upon graduation. Fall deadline.

ABA Company Tuition Reimbursement Programs

Larger ABA service providers like Easter Seals and Behavior Analysis Inc. (BAI) sometimes offer tuition reimbursement for employees pursuing higher education in ABA. Could offset costs while gaining valuable experience.

These options tap into the resources and missions of organizations making a direct impact within the field of ABA. Developing strong relationships with recruiters can open doors to hidden scholarship gems as well.

Additional Funding Sources

Beyond scholarships, there are a few more potential funding strategies to explore as you craft your financial plan for BCBA education:

Graduate Student Loans

Federal student loans (Direct Loans) and private loans can help bridge affordability gaps if used judiciously. Be mindful of accumulating too much debt.

Payment Plans with Schools

Some programs offer semester-based payment plans to spread costs over time at a small added fee. Reduces upfront burden compared to lump sum payments.

Employer Tuition Assistance

Though less relevant for BCBA programs, full-time employees at companies offering education benefits could receive up to $5,250 tax-free annually.

Crowdfunding Campaigns

Platforms like GoFundMe and fundraising sites through universities allow sharing your educational goals and build community support networks. Limited potential but is worth considering.

Do your due diligence and only utilize financing options as an absolute last resort once all low/no-cost scholarship angles have been maximized. With thorough searching and targeted applications, awards are within reach for many motivated BCBA students.

Putting It All Together

By this point, your head is undoubtedly spinning with all the scholarship details covered! To recap the key takeaways:

  • Start early – many deadlines are 6-12 months before intended enrollment
  • Leverage your state/region – prioritize in-state scholarships whenever possible
  • Get to know programs and their unique awards
  • Craft targeted, thoughtful applications tailored to each opportunity
  • Keep organized records of all applications and timelines
  • Follow up professionally if not selected initially
  • Balance reach/match options based on your experiences and strengths

Fund your BCBA education through scholarships as much as feasible before considering any loans or payment plans. With diligent preparation and effort, the financial barriers to this meaningful career path can be overcome.

FAQs About Scholarships for BCBA Programs

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

What are the most competitive scholarships?

The large national awards like the Gates Cambridge, Ford Foundation Fellowship, and Jack Kent Cooke Foundation are extremely competitive given their prestige and funding amounts. However, strong applicants still have a shot – make sure to craft a truly outstanding application showcasing your talents, character, and goals.

Regional and state-specific scholarships become more achievable given their smaller applicant pools relative to national ones. Additionally, smaller program-level awards are very attainable. Focus initial efforts here before expanding to greater reaches.

How long does it take to complete a BCBA program?

Most BCBA course sequences are designed to be completed full-time within 1-2 years, though part-time options allowing longer timelines do exist. Specific program structures vary, so research time commitments for the schools you’re considering. Supervised experience hours also add significant time on top of formal coursework. Plan for a 2-3 year overall time horizon to fully complete BCBA educational and licensure requirements.

Do I need to be enrolled in a degree program to apply for scholarships?

Not necessarily. Many scholarships are open to both degree-seeking and non-degree BCBA certification students. Check specific eligibility criteria, but pursuing coursework to sit for the BCBA exam independently of a degree is certainly feasible. Awards may give preferential consideration to degree candidates but don’t rule yourself out of options if taking a non-degree path.

What if I don’t receive enough funding to cover full costs?

If full funding can’t be achieved through scholarships, carefully consider responsible loan options to minimize debt burden. Federal student loans have more favorable terms than commercial alternatives. Payment plans directly through schools help spread costs over time. Some assistance from partners/family could bridge gaps if necessary. With strategic planning, all viable finance options can work in concert.

How early should I start the scholarship search?

It’s never too soon! Most deadlines are 6-12 months before intended enrollment, so planning can start a year in advance at minimum. Fall semesters tend to have earlier cutoff dates in late Fall/Winter. Always apply for every scholarship you qualify for, even if the enrollment date is uncertain – some may be deferred if needed. The sooner you dedicate time to researching and applying, the better your chances of success.


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