Genworth Life and Annuity Insurance Company: An In-Depth Look at Its Operations and Outlook

Life insurance is a delicate form of financial protection for individuals and families. As people plan for their futures and retirement, it’s important to understand the ins and outs of prominent life insurance providers.

The History and Ownership of GLAIC

Genworth Life and Annuity Insurance Company was originally incorporated in 1943 in Richmond, Virginia, as American Credit Indemnity Company. It later changed its name to United Guaranty Residential Insurance Company and expanded into the mortgage insurance business.

In 1997, GE Financial Assurance Holdings acquired the company and merged it with other insurers they had bought. This brought GLAIC under the ownership of GE Capital, the financial services division of General Electric.

GE spun off most of its insurance operations in 2004 into a new publicly traded company called Genworth Financial. This included GLAIC and made it a subsidiary owned by Genworth.

Genworth struggled after the financial crisis, and its stock price declined significantly. In 2018, Chinese company Oceanwide Holdings agreed to acquire Genworth for $2.7 billion. However, the deal faced regulatory issues and remains pending. For now, GLAIC remains a wholly owned subsidiary of the publicly traded Genworth Financial.

GLAIC’s Product Lines

GLAIC offers a range of life and annuity insurance products to consumers. Some of their key offerings include:

Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance guarantees death benefit protection for a set time, often 10-30 years. GLAIC offers various term life policies with coverage amounts up to $1 million.

Universal Life Insurance

Universal life combines death benefit protection with a cash value account that grows based on credited interest rates. Policyholders can generally access the accumulated cash value through loans or withdrawals.

Fixed Annuities

Fixed annuities offer guaranteed minimum interest rates in return for an upfront premium. Earnings accrue tax-deferred and can be taken as income later in life. GLAIC issues both deferred and immediate income fixed annuities.

Indexed Annuities

Like fixed annuities, indexed annuities offer guarantees but tie returns to the performance of a stock market index. They provide some upside potential while protecting against downside risk. GLAIC’s indexed annuities track the S&P 500.

In addition, GLAIC reinsures longevity risks for pension funds and other insurers through pension risk transfer annuities. They also offer customized plans for corporations through their group benefits division.

GLAIC’s Financial Strength and Ratings

It’s critical for any insurer to maintain strong financials and stability over the long run. Let’s examine how GLAIC has fared on this front in recent years:

Statutory Capital and Surplus

As of year-end 2021, GLAIC reported $4.3 billion in total adjusted capital and surplus under Statutory Accounting Principles (SAP). This is the accounting framework insurance regulators use to monitor solvency.

Risk-Based Capital Ratio

GLAIC’s risk-based capital (RBC) ratio was estimated at 440% as of 2021, well above the 250% threshold that would trigger any regulatory actions. This ratio essentially demonstrates how much capital is available to support underlying risks.

Credit Ratings

Both A.M. Best and S&P Global credit rate GLAIC’s financial strength. As of mid-2022, it maintained stable ratings of A+ from A.M. Best and A+ from S&P, which are considered secure and strong ratings.

In summary, GLAIC has adequate capitalization, surplus, and credit ratings to suggest it maintains good claims-paying ability and overall financial security. Regulators continue to view the company positively from a solvency perspective.

Distribution and Customers

GLAIC distributes products through a variety of channels and caters to customers across the United States.

Distribution Channels

  • Independent agents and brokers: Their core channel accounts for the majority of new business.
  • Career agents: GLAIC’s own agent force who sell in selected markets.
  • Partnerships: They partner with banks and other financial institutions for product distribution as well.

Customer Base

  • Individual consumers: Purchasing life insurance and annuities for personal financial security and retirement needs.
  • Corporations: GLAIC provides group life, disability, dental, and vision products to employers.
  • Pension funds: They accommodate large pension risk transfers for corporate plans through annuities.

Recent Performance and Outlook

How has GLAIC performed financially in recent periods? And what challenges and opportunities lie ahead?

2021 Financial Results

  • Premiums & Fees: $1.9 billion, down slightly from $2 billion in 2020.
  • Net Income: $391 million, turning positive after a $70 million loss in 2020.
  • Investment Gains: Strong market performance helped drive higher incomes.

Challenges Going Forward

  • Low-interest rates: Continued low-interest rates pressure margins, particularly for annuity products.
  • Genworth Financial acquisition: Uncertainty over the pending Oceanwide deal introduces some risk.
  • Shifting industry trends: Growing demand for living benefits rather than just pure death benefits.


  • Expand retirement solutions: Pension risk transfers and customized group products provide opportunities.
  • Capitalize on annuity upgrades: Leverage the captive market of existing policyholders for additional income.
  • Solid capital base: Well-positioned financially to take on new risks and weather challenges.

In summary, GLAIC has demonstrated financial resilience, but further economic and industry shifts will heavily influence its results into 2024 and beyond. Maintaining strong fundamentals remains crucial.

Industry Trends Impacting GLAIC

Understanding the broader industry trends is key to forecasting GLAIC’s future direction. Some persistent themes include:

Aging Population

As 10,000 baby boomers retire each day, demand grows for retirement income solutions like annuities as people live longer. This plays to GLAIC’s strengths.

Shifting Consumer Preferences

People want more flexibility and “living benefits” from their policies – like long-term care riders or guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefits. GLAIC will need innovative offerings.

Low-Interest Rate Environment

Prolonged low rates squeeze margins, especially for insurers relying more on fixed annuities. GLAIC will look to diversify and expand customized retirement businesses.

Technology and Digital Adoption

The pandemic accelerated the already growing shift to digital interactions. GLAIC is investing in platforms to enhance the customer and agent experiences online.

Regulation and Accounting Changes

Changes like IFRS 17 accounting standards require adaptations. GLAIC employs large compliance divisions to navigate evolving rules and laws surrounding the insurance sector.

By correctly anticipating industry shifts and responding with new solutions, GLAIC can continue meeting evolving consumer needs while also delivering adequate performance. Understanding these forces is an important part of analyzing its longer-term trajectory.


In this section, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions that may arise when researching GLAIC:

What is GLAIC’s financial strength and stability outlook?

GLAIC maintains strong capitalization, surplus levels, and credit ratings that suggest it maintains good claims-paying ability and overall financial security based on current regulatory assessments. While low-interest rates and other challenges exist, the company is well-positioned to weather economic issues.

Does GLAIC offer annuities or just life insurance?

GLAIC provides both life insurance products like term and universal life policies, as well as annuity offerings, including fixed, indexed, and pension risk transfer annuities suited for retirement income needs. Annuity income solutions represent a major part of its business strategy.

Is GLAIC a standalone company or part of a larger group?

GLAIC is a wholly owned subsidiary of publicly traded Genworth Financial. While Genworth ownership introduces some risks, it also provides benefits like diversified earnings and capital strength as part of a larger insurer group. The pending acquisition further complicates the corporate structure.

What are GLAIC’s primary distribution channels?

Independent agents and brokers make up the bulk of GLAIC’s new business, complemented by company-employed agents and partnerships. It focuses on these advisor-driven channels to market its mix of insurance and annuity solutions.

How do GLAIC’s products compare to competitors?

GLAIC provides competitively priced life, payout annuity, and pension risk transfer products. In annuities, some peers may offer higher credited rates but GLAIC stands out for strong ratings and backing of Genworth Financial. Overall it holds its own but also aims to differentiate through innovative offerings and advisor relationships.


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